grid | Xtreme VR

High Performance Pure Lead Batteries for UPS, Data Center and Telecommunication

*in comparison to Standard-AGM-Batteries




Less CO2
per KWh





*in comparison to Standard-AGM-Batteries

grid | Xtreme VR - even more benefits?

grid | Xtreme VR - even more benefits?


The HOPPECKE grid | Xtreme VR is the next generation of pure lead AGM batteries.

The special design of the grid | Xtreme VR with its thin-plate technology provides superior energy and power density – this means more usable energy in the same installation space. The result is a smaller footprint, which also translates into lower infrastructure costs.

The use of pure lead to produce the electrodes forms the basis of this thin-plate technology. Its superior corrosion properties compared to other lead alloys enable this significant reduction in electrode thickness with the longer service life at the same time.

In addition, pure lead increases stability at high temperatures by reducing electrolyte ageing. This often makes it possible to dispense with air conditioning and thus save energy and CO2 emissions.

The grid | Xtreme VR technology enables use in harsh environments with unreliable power grid.

Short bridging times with high discharge rates are essential requirements in data centers and are supported by the top terminal solution. High energy densities combined with good cycle ability in the compact design of a front terminal battery are fundamental criteria for a secure power supply in telecom applications.

The colour green stands for sustainability and a small CO2 footprint. Lead can be recycled indefinitely in an environmentally friendly as well as efficient way. Here is an example: perhaps the lead from your telecom battery has already been used in your grandfather’s car – that is a cool second life, isn’t it?

The HOPPECKE return and recycling system for lead batteries makes a substantial contribution towards protecting natural resources. In accordance with the “cradle to cradle approach”, HOPPECKE carries out a consistent recycling management. Precious resources are not wasted but reused.

The lead is professionally processed and recycled in the company’s own metal smelter. The recovered metallic lead is refined, alloyed and cast into ingots, which are then fed back into the production process. In this way we ensure careful handling of a scarce raw material, nearly 100% of which is utilised in an environmentally compatible economic cycle.

  • Flexible due to up to 24 months shelf life
  • Xtremely wide usable temperature range from -40°C to 55°C
  • Parallel battery strings for easy scalability of performance
  • Stable and safe performance until the end of life
  • Safe and easy impedance measurement to determine battery condition
  • High serviceability due to true-front terminal connections

It represents the next generation of modern pure lead batteries with the following product benefits:

  • Monitored, automated and fully digitalised production processes.
  • Complete traceability of every production step
  • Long storage time enables high logistical flexibility.
  • Uniformity and modularity enable the replacement of expensive individual cells with standardised block batteries.
  • Common parts strategy: One model fits all due to parallel battery strings which minimises logistics costs and increases availability.
  • Unique dual-pole design enables simple and safe impedance measurements to be carried out using separate measuring contacts on interconnected block batteries.
  • Integrated true front connectors for easy installation and safe maintenance.
  • Proven ESS technology provides improved recharge, increases resistance to thermal runaway and improves safety and durability.

Several factors influence the service life of a battery: temperature, cycling and temporary overload. It is therefore important to consider these factors to achieve the maximum service life.

Temperature: The use of pure lead with its superior corrosion properties as well as the lower water consumption extends the service life, especially at high temperatures.

Cycles: The EES technology and the lower charge factor of pure lead result in a higher number of cycles and lower energy consumption at the same time.

Temporary overload: The pure lead reduces the wear of the important components of the battery such as the electrode and electrolyte. In detail, this means that both grid corrosion and water consumption are reduced.

As a rule, the weakest link in the chain determines the overall performance. Due to the fully automated production, all components behave evenly which is beneficial to the overall performance of the system and the service life.

HOPPECKE, as a long-term manufacturer of batteries, holds all relevant ISO certificates according to quality. Furthermore, all our products meet the international battery test standard IEC-60896. Additionally, we follow many customer and country specific approvals in telecom, UPS, and railway infrastructure business.

Our grid | Xtreme VR can operate in higher temperature environments, which means less cooling and significant operating cost savings. With its high quality and very long lifetime expectancy it will definitively reduce battery replacement frequency. In addition to this, one model fits all due to parallel strings. This results in minimised logistic cost and increases high availability. So the best of both worlds: low TCO and low OPEX imply optimal total cost!

Available now for orders – take the benefits.


Our grid | Xtreme VR can be operated in higher temperature environments thanks to the extended operating temperature range. This means significant operating cost savings due to less air conditioning. The high quality and very long service life expectancy reduces OPEX, as the batteries need to be replaced less frequently. Thanks to parallel battery strings, the grid | Xtreme VR pure lead battery is also optimally suited for high power requirements. Logistics costs are minimised and availability is increased.

It is the best of both worlds: low TCO and OPEX mean optimal total costs!

You want to know more about the innovative pure lead technology?

The use of the pure lead to manufacture the electrodes forms the basis of the new high-performance pure lead (HPPL) technology. Its superior corrosion properties enable a significant reduction in electrode thickness while simultaneously increasing the service life. The result is a larger electrochemical reaction surface which is pioneering in terms of energy and power density for lead-acid storage technologies.

State-of-the-art simulation software was used to adapt the discharge cross-sections to the increased loads, restricting heat generation to a safe level under all operating conditions. The upper limit of the permitted operating temperature range was increased from 45 °C up to 55 °C. Combined with the dimensionally stable battery case this makes the grid | Xtreme VR particularly suitable for use in harsh environmental conditions.

In addition, HPPL technology also uses active masses with higher density, which were previously only used for deep cycle lead-acid batteries. As a result, the innovative HOPPECKE grid | Xtreme VR combines in one product series properties previously only available in two different product series.


grid | Xtreme VR Top-Terminal in grid | XtremeStack

Energy solution with system

44 m2
utilize space for
with grid | XtremeStack
1632 Batteries
with conventional battery rack
1340 batteries
20% more batteries in the same space

The innovative stacking device grid | XtremeStack in combination with the grid | Xtreme VR in the Top Terminal variant for maximum performance.

►Space-saving, patented system solution with 20 % more batteries in the same space.

►Optimum use of space with up to 27 % less surface area and 22 % higher energy density

►Simple, space-saving and modular design for flexible expandability

Digital Energy World - Discover your potential!


With many years of experience in different fields of application, technologies and good product knowledge we can implement a custom-fit solution with our customers. This reflects our maximum understanding of our customers’ quality requirements. With our expertise, we develop solutions that bring the added value our customers need.

In the digital energy world of HOPPECKE you will find everything you need to unleash the full potential of your business. Our product and service innovations in the field of energy storage have the right solution ready for your every need.

Get ready for a world full of energy and gradually discover more exciting application areas.

HOPPECKE - Energy to move your business ahead!

HOPPECKE is your strategic partner for sustainable and technology-independent energy solutions. If you expect more than just a product but a competent partner who is always at your side, HOPPECKE is the right choice for you.

To tackle the real challenges, we do things differently from the way they are usually done in the market. Our real performance means constantly developing new things as well as enhancing existing ones. In doing so, we develop sustainable energy concepts together with our customers.

A goal that we achieve thanks to the pure lead battery grid | Xtreme VR produced in our new Polish plant. The result of our new site in Poznań is not only a powerful battery for data centers or telecommunication applications, it also takes into account multiple environmental aspects. By building the capacity in Europe, intercontinental sea transports are no longer necessary. In this way, we contribute to reducing environmental pollution and can act faster and more flexibly in Europe. The certification of our plant according to the ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001:2015 standards means that you can rely on reliable processes and consistently high quality and environmental standards.


Einsatz im größten Kernkraftwerk Kanadas

Im Südosten Kanadas, circa 250 km nordwestlich von Toronto gelegen, erstreckt sich auf einer Fläche von insgesamt 9,3 km² das zweitgrößte Kernkraftwerk der Welt. Mit seiner Energie beliefert es rund 4,3 Millionen Menschen in ganz Ontario und stellt so die Energieversorgung der bevölkerungsreichsten Provinz des Landes sowie bedeutender Branchen sicher, etwa der Automobil-, Elektro-, Nahrungsmittel- und Chemieindustrie.

Sicherung wichtiger Anlagen auch bei Störfällen

Damit auch bei einem Störungsfall eine unterbrechungsfreie Stromversorgung garantiert ist, sind stationäre Batterien notwendig. Diese sichern im Notfall u. a. die Leittechnik des Kraftwerks und halten so Steuerungs- und Überwachungsfunktionen aufrecht. Denn wenn Generatoren oder Pumpen nicht mehr mit Energie zur Abkühlung versorgt werden, erhitzen sie zu stark. Die Folge: Die für den Betrieb notwendigen Anlagen werden unbrauchbar und die Sicherheit des Kernkraftwerks kann nicht mehr gewährleistet werden.

Besonderheiten bei nuklearen Kraftwerken

Vor allem beim Einsatz in nuklearen Kraftwerken sind für stationäre Batterien besondere Anforderungen zu beachten. Denn nicht nur gibt es in Kernkraftwerken Bereiche, in denen Strahlungen entstehen können – auch entsteht während des Betriebs von Turbinen und Generatoren eine starke Wärmeentwicklung. Konventionelle Batterien kommen bei Umgebungstemperaturen von oftmals bis zu 55 Grad an ihre Grenzen.

Gutor und HOPPECKE – ein starkes Team

Vor dieser Herausforderung stand auch der kanadische Energieversorger Bruce Power, der das größte Kernkraftwerk Kanadas bereits seit 1977 betreibt. Bruce Power benötigte eine zuverlässige und langlebige Batterieanlage für den Bereich der Turbinencontroller. Diese sorgen bei kritischen Ereignissen, z. B. bei einem Stromausfall, dafür, dass wichtige Parameter und Kennzahlen der Turbine weiterhin an die IT-Leitsysteme des Kraftwerks übermittelt werden. Den Auftrag platzierte der Energieversorger bei Gutor, einem international tätigen USV-Hersteller. Für Gutor war klar: Das machen wir gemeinsam mit HOPPECKE. Denn seit mehreren Jahren arbeiten beide Unternehmen eng zusammen und konnten bereits zahlreichen Kunden im Rahmen verschiedenster Projekte auf der ganzen Welt bei der Sicherstellung unterbrechungsfreier Stromversorgung unterstützen.

grid | Xtreme VR im Einsatz

Zum Einsatz kommt die innovative grid | Xtreme VR von HOPPECKE, die im Jahr 2020 auf den Markt gebracht wurde und nicht nur äußerlich mit einem innovativen Design, sondern auch innerlich glänzt: Vor allem bei erhöhten Umgebungstemperaturen – wie sie in Kernkraftwerken der Fall sind – ist die grid | Xtreme VR perfekt geeignet. Dank des erweiterten Betriebstemperaturbereichs von bis zu 55 °C kann die Reinblei-Batterie auch unter rauen Umgebungsbedingungen eingesetzt werden. Insgesamt zwei Anlagen mit jeweils 54 Blöcken wurden bereits im Sommer 2021 ausgeliefert. Weitere Blöcke sind bereits in Planung und werden in naher Zukunft im Kernkraftwerk installiert.

„Als zuverlässiger Partner seit mehreren Jahrzehnten schätzen wir die hervorragende Unterstützung von HOPPECKE in der Ausschreibungs- und Ausführungsphase. Wir freuen uns darauf, auch in Zukunft bei vielen interessanten Projekten zusammenzuarbeiten.“

Adrian Stoll, Area Sales Manager Equipment & Transformers Energy Business bei Gutor Electronic LLC

Rückendeckung für internationale Sportevents

Freitagabend, 19.30 Uhr – gespannt warten Sie vor dem Fernseher auf den Anpfiff eines Fußballspiels. Das Spiel läuft an. Plötzlich sehen Sie schwarz – Stromausfall. Was ist passiert? Aber viel wichtiger: Ist ein Tor gefallen? Fragen, die Sie sich dank einer USV-Anlage nicht stellen müssen – im Falle eines Stromausfalls oder Netzschwankungen sorgt sie 24/7 für eine abgesicherte Stromversorgung.

Lastspitzenausgleich bei Großveranstaltungen

Vor allem bei großen Sportevents sind Netzschwankungen und Lastspitzen keine Seltenheit.  Haushalte, Restaurants und „Public Viewer“ greifen weltweit zur gleichen Zeit auf den Livestream zu. Daher setzen Sendebetriebe auf eine unterbrechungsfreie Stromversorgung in Form von Batterien. Kommt es zu Lastspitzen, liefern die Batterien die benötigte Energie und vermeiden so einen Blackout.

3.456 Blöcke der grid | Xtreme VR von HOPPECKE sichern europaweit die Übertragung internationaler Fußballspiele. Im Herzen Amsterdams stationiert, liefern sie bei Bedarf die benötigte elektrische Energie.

Schnelle Verfügbarkeit und lange Lebensdauer

Die grid | Xtreme VR machen ihre schnelle Verfügbarkeit und die hohe Langlebigkeit aus. Die vom Rechenzentrumsbetreiber geforderte Mindestlebensdauer von zehn Jahren übertrifft sie deutlich: Dank der Bauweise und des Reinheitsgrades des Bleis liegt die erwartete Gebrauchsdauer bei einer Temperatur von 20°C bei durchschnittlich 15 Jahren – 50% länger als herkömmliche Standard-AGM-Produkte. Auch bei der Lieferzeit punkteten die Reinblei-Batterien: sechs Wochen nach Auftragseingang standen sie in Amsterdam zur Montage bereit.

„Ich freue mich, dass die grid | Xtreme VR die Übertragung von großen Sportevents absichert. Es zeigt mir die Bedeutung unserer Produkte auch im Alltag. Sei es bei Fußballspielen, der Gepäckabfertigung am Flughafen oder der Notstromversorgung im Krankenhaus: Auf die grid | Xtreme VR ist Verlass. Durch unser neues Werk in Polen sind wir auch für kurzfristige Aufträge bestens gewappnet.“

Marcel Birkhölzer, Key Account Manager OEM, Data Center


2x längere Lebensdauer im Vergleich zu Standard-AGM-Batterien

4x längere Lagerzeit (bis zu 24 Monaten)

Überwachte, automatisierte und vollständig digitalisierte Fertigungsprozesse

Komplette Rückverfolgbarkeit jedes Produktionsschrittes

Erhöhter Betriebstemperaturbereich von -40° C bis +55° C


20 % weniger CO2-Ausstoß im Vergleich zu Standard-AGM-Batterien

bis zu 50 % weniger CO2 pro kWh im Vergleich zu Lithium-Ionen-Batterien

Geringerer Energiebedarf in Ladehaltung durch den Einsatz hochreiner Materialien

Geringere Klimatisierungsanforderungen erforderlich

Umweltfreundlicherer Abbau der Rohmaterialen und hohe Recyclingrate von über 95 %

Sparen Sie wertvolle Stellfläche

50 % Platzersparnis im Vergleich zu Standard-AGM-Batterien

Bis zu 10 % besserer Footprint im Vergleich zu Lithium-Batterien

Platzsparende, patentierte Systemlösung mit 20 % mehr Batterien auf gleicher Fläche

Optimale Raumausnutzung mit bis zu 27 % weniger Fläche bei 22 % höherer Energiedichte

Einfacher, platzsparender und modularer Aufbau für flexible Erweiterbarkeit

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Vollständig gesicherte Rohstofflieferkette

Nahezu 100% Blei-Rückführung in umweltverträglichen Wirtschaftskreislauf

EcoVadis Top 3 % der weltweit zertifizierten Batteriehersteller für Nachhaltigkeitsaktivitäten

HOPPECKE Metallhütte: Nachhaltiges Rücknahme- und Verwertungssystem

Zertifiziert nach ISO – 9001/2000, ISO 14001, ISO 50001 sowie OHSAS 18001

Broschüre grid | Xtreme VR

One Pager grid | Xtreme VR

Ihre Produktanfrage

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Case Study Data Center


Datenblatt grid | Xtreme VR

Datenblatt grid | Xtreme VR
(green series)

Datenblatt grid | XtremeStack

Leistungsmerkmale grid | Xtreme VR


Save valuable floor space!

50% Space-Saving compared to standard AGM batteries

Up to 10% better footprint compared to lithium-ion batteries

Space-saving, patented system solution with 20% more batteries in the same area

Efficient use of space: 27% less space needed with 22% higher energy density

Simple, flexible and modular design for easy expandability

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grid | Xtreme VR – Keeping international sporting events live

7.30 p.m. on a Friday night – you excitedly turn on the TV and wait for the kick-off of an international football match. The game starts, the tension builds, and the ball rolls towards the goal. Suddenly the lights go out for a few seconds – it’s a temporary power cut. You can’t see anything. What happened? And much more importantly: was a goal scored?
 These are questions that you don’t have to ask yourself, thanks to a UPS system (Uninterruptible Power Supply). In the case of a power cut or temporary fluctuations in the mains, it maintains a secure supply of power. And it does that 24/7.

Peak load balancing for major events

Especially during international sporting events, mains fluctuations and spikes in demand are quite common. Not only do you have many households switching on their televisions at the same time, you also have people accessing the live stream in restaurants, in the stadium itself and at public screenings in numerous cities. And this happens all over the world at the same time.
This is why broadcasters rely on an uninterruptible power supply behind the scenes, in the form of batteries. In the event of peak loads, the batteries supply the power required, maintaining the mains voltage and thus preventing a blackout.

grid | Xtreme VR from HOPPECKE safeguards the broadcasting of major sporting events in Europe

3,456 blocks of HOPPECKE’s grid | Xtreme VR safeguard the broadcasting of international football matches across Europe. The pure lead batteries are set up in the heart of Amsterdam at an international operator of data center, and provide the required electrical power if the need arises. The required UPS system, including the batteries, was installed and connected in October, in collaboration with a longstanding business partner and UPS manufacturer.

grid | Xtreme VR: rapid availability and long life

Two factors were especially crucial in the decision to use the grid | Xtreme VR: the rapid availability of the batteries and their long life. The data center operator required a minimum lifetime of ten years for the batteries. This is a timeframe that is far exceeded by the HOPPECKE grid | Xtreme VR. Thanks to its special design and the high purity of the lead used in it, its expected service life is an average of 15 years at a temperature of 20 degrees Celsius. This is a gain of 50% over conventional standard products. The batteries scored high marks for their delivery time, too: they were ready to be installed in Amsterdam within six weeks of the order being received.

“I am very pleased that the grid | Xtreme VR is securing the live broadcasting of major sporting events. Again and again, I’m seeing the importance of our products in everyday life. Whether for international football matches, luggage handling at airports or the emergency power supply in hospitals, you can rely on the grid | Xtreme VR. With our newly built plant in Poland, we are also superbly prepared for short-term orders.”

Marcel Birkhölzer, Key Account Manager OEM, Data Center


2x longer service life compared to standard AGM batteries

4x longer storage time (up to 24 months)

Monitored, automated and completely digitalised manufacturing processes

Complete traceability of every production step

Increased extended operating temperature range from -40°C to +55°C


2x longer service life compared to standard AGM batteries

4x longer storage time (up to 24 months)

Monitored, automated and completely digitalised manufacturing processes

Complete traceability of every production step

Increased extended operating temperature range from -40°C to +55°C


20% less CO2 emissions compared to standard AGM batteries

Up to 50% less CO2 per kWh compared to lithium-ion batteries

Lower energy requirements in charging posture due to use of highly pure materials

Lower air-conditioning requirements needed

Environmentally friendly mining of raw materials and high recycling rate of over 95%

grid | Xtreme VR – Used in Canada´s largest nuclear power plant

South-east Canada has the second-largest nuclear power plant in the world, about 250 km north-west of Toronto, covering a total area of 9.3 km². It supplies power to about 4.3 million people throughout Ontario, providing energy security to the country’s most populous province as well as to key sectors such as the automotive, electronics, food and chemical industries.

Securing critical facilities even in cases of failure

Stationary batteries are needed to ensure uninterrupted power supply even in the event of disruptive incidents. In an emergency, this includes power to the nuclear facility’s control systems for regulation and monitoring. If generators or pumps are not supplied with power for cooling, they overheat. This can result in facilities needed for operation becoming unusable and the safety of the nuclear power plant being compromised.

Special aspects with nuclear power plants

There are particular requirements to consider for stationary batteries used in nuclear facilities. There are not only areas in the plants where radiation can occur, but also others where turbine and generator operation can develop excessive heat. Conventional batteries often reach their limits at environmental temperatures of up to 55°C.

Gutor and HOPPECKE – a strong team

This was the challenge faced by Bruce Power, the Canadian energy provider which has operated the country’s largest nuclear power plant since 1977. A reliable, long-lasting battery system was needed for the turbine controller area to ensure that key parameters and values for the turbines continue to be transmitted to the power plant’s IT control systems during critical events such as a power failure. The energy provider entrusted Gutor, an international manufacturer of uninterruptible power supplies, with the order. And for Gutor, the choice of HOPPECKE was clear. Both firms have worked closely together for years, securing uninterruptible power supply for numerous customers in a wide variety of projects around the world.

grid | Xtreme VR deployed

The solution chosen – grid | Xtreme VR pure lead battery from HOPPECKE – was introduced to the market in 2020 and stands out not only for its innovative design but for its internal excellence as well, particularly performance at higher temperatures such as are found in nuclear power plants, for which grid | Xtreme VR is perfectly suited. Its greater operating temperature range of up to 55°C enables batteries to be used even under rough environmental conditions. Two system, each with 54 blocks, were delivered in the summer of 2021. Additional blocks are already planned and will be installed in the nuclear power plant soon.

“As a reliable partner for decades, we appreciate HOPPECKE’s excellent support in the tendering and execution stage. We look forward to continuing to collaborate on many interesting projects in the future.”

Adrian Stoll, Area Sales Manager Equipment & Transformers Energy Business bei Gutor Electronic LLC

Brochure grid | Xtreme VR

One Pager grid | Xtreme VR

Datasheet grid | Xtreme VR

Datasheet grid | Xtreme VR
(green series)

Datasheet grid | XtremeStack

Performance Features grid | Xtreme VR

Datasheet grid | Xtreme VR (Data Center | US)

Datasheet grid | Xtreme VR (Telecommunication | US)

Whitepaper Pure Lead
Data Center

Whitepaper Pure Lead Telecommunication

Whitepaper Lead or Lithium in Data Center

Whitepaper Reinblei
Data Center

Whitepaper Reinblei Telekommunikation

Whitepaper Lead or Lithium in Data Center (EN)